Sunday, 20 February 2011

Outdoor Lighting Effects using Spike Spotlights and Spike Uplights

Adjustable spike spotlights are one of the most flexible light fittings, and they shine light from below. This provides a dramatic effect, reversing daylight perspective of even light from above. The light can be made to cover more area if it is tilted diagonally, into the shrubs and plants.

Individual plants can also be highlighted, by adjusting a spotlight to emphasise an individual shrub or tree. The same technique also works on any feature you may want to highlight. At the same time, it draws the eye away from less attractive areas you. Recessed uplights and wall spotlights can be used to even wider effect.

If you cannot mount a light source conveniently near to the feature you have chosen to highlight is at some distance, try spotlighting it with narrow beam directional lamps

Shadowing with garden lighting is great fun. If you shine a spotlight in front of a plant, the light shining through projects an enlarged  shadow  onto a wall behind. As well as highlighting the foliage or structure of the item being lit of course. 

You could experiment by placing the fitting to the side of the feature, so that the light shines across it, creating interesting side lighting effects.By placing the light source behind the object, shining into it,  a halo of light shines around the edges of the tree or shrub.

Another way to highlight a wall is to position a fitting close to the wall surface, and shine a light across it at an acute angle. The light source can be in the ground, or on the wall, where downlighters can also be used.